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Illustration of the phases of a solar eclipse

Upcoming April Solar Eclipse

On Monday, April 8th our region (including Hamilton, Burlington and Brantford) will be in the path of a total solar eclipse. This means the sun will be entirely hidden for approximately two minutes, starting at about 3:15 pm, and the sun will be partially covered from about 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
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Ella Woerhle

Ella's Story

YMCA Stories
Meet Ella. She’s a 12-year-old athlete playing a variety of sports and she’s been coming to the YMCA with her family since she was a baby. Ella does gymnastics, plays soccer, takes part in skating lessons, and she swims and trains at the Y alongside her parents and brother.
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A lifetime of volunteering with the YMCA

YMCA Stories
Meet Brenda Flaherty. She’s held many titles over the course of her life—like COO of Hamilton Health Sciences, and Assistant Professor of Nursing—but when asked about her relationship with the YMCA, she simply says she’s a volunteer.
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