Education, Support & Opportunity


The YMCA strives to provide a safe, inclusive place for young people to help them to reach their full potential.

Across our communities, YMCA staff are committed to providing welcoming and non-judgemental programming for young people including employment, academic and intervention supports.

Whether you need help studying for a big test, looking for your first job, figuring out how to live independently, or handling some of the stress of everyday life, there is a program for you.


Be Wise is a free program that supports youth aged 12-18.

In one-to-one and group workshops, our staff work with youth through prevention, intervention, and awareness building to help them navigate challenges including; mental wellness, school, peers, and family pressure. 

Be Wise is offered in the Burlington, Oakville, and Milton regions, both in person and virtually. 

Learn More

Are you between the ages of 16 - 24 and involved with Family and Children's Services?

The Youth In Transition Worker (YITW) program is available to help you transition to a more independent lifestyle. 
YITW will help support you identify, develop and implement a personal plan based on your own goals for personal independence. We'll help you navigate the adult service systems, connecting you to relevant supports and resources in the community. 
Our team can help you:

  • Find a place to stay
  • Find full or part-time work or job training
  • Learn life skills
  • Find Health services
  • Get your ID and Immigration Documents 
  • Find legal services and support
  • Language interpretation services
  • Help meet your education goals (GED, paperwork, applications, scholarships)
  • Find your community!
  • Offer emotional support  

You may be referred to this program by a community partner, or you can simply contact the YITW support worker directly. 

Brant Region 
Call or text: 226-208-0852 
Halton Region 
Call or text: 905-928-8803 
Hamilton Region 
Call or text: 289-925-4404

Province of Ontario logo

Program funding provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.

The Housing Support Program supports youth ages 16 and 17 that are currently in need of housing attainment, maintenance, and support.

We provide youth essential housing support by identifying, obtaining and coordinating housing, including:

  • Assisting them to search for, view, apply, and retain independent housing
  • Developing personal (life skills) and household management
  • Budgeting, tenant skills, housing maintenance (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc...)

Our team can also help you:

  • Find a place to stay
  • Find full or part-time work or job training
  • Learn life skills
  • Find Health services
  • Get your ID and Immigration Documents 
  • Find legal services and support
  • Language interpretation services
  • Help meet your education goals (GED, paperwork, applications, scholarships)
  • Find your community!
  • Offer emotional support  

Our approach is free, confidential and non-judgemental.

Call or text the Youth in Transition Worker in your community for more information or referrals. 

Hamilton & Brantford Region

Call or text: 365-889-6600

Prevention begins with awareness.

The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a free service, funded by The Government of Ontario, offering educational prevention programs that are designed to raise youth awareness with regards to gambling, healthy/active living and making informed decisions.

Our educational prevention programs raise awareness about gambling.

  • For youth aged 8-24 years old 
  • Information about gambling and developing the skills to make informed life decisions around risk-taking behaviours 
  • Give youth access to community resources and other local service providers that can help them with a potential gambling problem 
  • Referral to gambling treatment services 
  • Community involvement and support  

Together with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the YMCA believes educational awareness-raising programs are essential to enhancing personal development and creating healthier communities. 

Book an awareness-raising interactive session (ages 8 - 24)

We offer educational workshops for parents, teachers, health professionals, and educators who play a key role in helping their students understand the signs of problem gambling. The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program offers a series of educational workshops/presentations including the new Health and Physical Education Curriculum. These interactive sessions:

  • Offer students accurate information about gambling and opportunities to develop the skills to make informed life decisions around risk-taking behaviours
  • Create a general understanding of risk assessment and harm reduction strategies 
  • Discuss possible consequences of, and decisions relating to gambling 
  • Offer curriculum activities based on Ministry of Education requirements 
  • Give participants access to community resources and other local service providers that can help them with a potential gambling problem 
  • Provide interactive sessions for adults involved in young people's lives 

For more information or to book an appointment please call your local Youth Outreach Worker at 289-260-8635 or email:

Province of Ontario logo

Program funding provided by the Ministry of Health c/o YMCA of Greater Toronto. For more information visit:


Everyone experiences worry and anxiety. The key is to learn how to make sure these don’t get in the way of doing things you care about.

Youth Wellness (formerly Y Mind) offers support for those who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or stress. Participants learn evidence-based coping skills based on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness, and self-compassion, and connect with peers who are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings.

About the Program

Youth Wellness (formerly Y Mind) is a free seven-week mental wellness program that supports youth who are experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety or stress. Participants learn and practice evidence-based strategies to help manage anxiety.

This program is led by trained mental health professionals and gives youth the chance to connect with peers who are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. All participants will receive a free workbook. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a three-month complimentary YMCA membership and a gift card.  

Please note: participants are not required to be diagnosed with anxiety in order to participate. We are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all participants in our care and continue to follow public health guidelines.

Learn More

Call or Text: 365-889-3612

The RIST team helps to improve community safety and well-being of youth aged 15 - 26 by focusing efforts on risk intervention, prevention and incident response. The Youth Navigator responds to youth calls in the city, provides referrals to support services for youth and provides ongoing support and follow-up.

Youth Social Navigator

Call or Text: 365.323.8260

The Youth Engagement Series is a six-part presentation series for youth ages 15-18. The series covers several topics including; Human Trafficking, Guns and Gangs, Social Media, Vice and Drugs, Support Services, and testimonials from individuals with lived experience. Each presentation is followed by an hour of activity with youth engagers, volunteers and police officers. Participants will receive a three-month YMCA membership, volunteer hours and city bus vouchers can be provided. 

Youth Facilitator

Call or Text: 365.323.8260

Meet new people while gaining tools for the future. Snacks, fun draws, hands on learning, gift cards, connections and so much more!

Some Topics Include:
  • Financial Literacy/Being money smart
  • Cooking/How to Grocery shop on a budget
  • Housing 101
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Employment/Education
  • Identification and Culture


Register Now


The Alternative Suspension Program aims to reduce the number of repeat suspensions by giving students the opportunity to transform their time away from school into a positive experience that fosters personal development and autonomy. The program’s curriculum is comprised of educational workshops, individual assistance, schoolwork, and complimentary group activities.

More Information

A Safe and Supportive Space for Newcomer Youth

Newcomer Youth Centres (NYC) provide a safe space and nurturing environment where newcomer youth receive ongoing support that enhances their settlement and integration experiences. Through their participation in the NYC, newcomer youth receive information and support in accessing other social services, and community resources. Youth are also provided the opportunity to participate in activities, which enables them to meet their peers, develop new social connections and friendships, and get involved in the community through volunteering. 

Our Services:

  • Information, orientation, and referral to services in the community (transportation, health, housing etc.)  
  • Support with homework and other schoolwork  
  • Support with employment and career development  
  • Support with volunteering  
  • Sports and recreation activities  
  • Coaching and mentoring  
  • A place to hang out with old friends and meet new ones  
  • Listen to music, play games, read, watch movies & TV  

Who is Eligible for Newcomer Youth Centre Services?  

  • Newcomer youth ages 12 to 24 
  • Permanent Residents of Canada 
  • Convention Refugees and Persons in Need of Protection  
  • Individuals whose Permanent Resident application has been approved in principle   
  • Foreign domestic workers admitted under the Live-In Caregiver program 
  • Refugee Claimants 
  • Naturalized Canadian Citizens 

We have centres located in Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Brantford. 
For more information, please call or visit.

Phone: 905-531-5834 

Newcomer Youth Centre




Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada logo

Program funding provided by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada and the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

Helping Newcomers Settle in School

The SWIS Program provides settlement support to newcomer families in designated schools during the school year (September to June). Settlement Workers connect with newcomer families, one-to-one and in group settings and provide important settlement related information to facilitate their adjustment in Canada  

Our Services:

  • Contact newcomer parents and students to assist them with their settlement needs 
  • Collaborate with school staff in supporting newcomer students and parents adjust to the Ontario School System 
  • Provide supportive one-one-to-one settlement support to newcomer youth and parents 
  • Connect newcomer families to more specialised community resource base on their needs 
  • Provide group information sessions on settlement topics for newcomer youth and parents, often in partnership with school staff 
  • Provide orientation about the settlement needs of newcomers for school staff

Who is eligible for SWIS Services?

  • Permanent Residents of Canada 
  • Convention Refugees and Persons in Need of Protection   
  • Individuals whose Permanent Resident application has been approved in principle   
  • Foreign domestic workers admitted under the Live-In Caregiver program 
  • Refugee Claimants 
  • Naturalized Canadian Citizens 
  • International Students  

For more information, please contact:

Phone: 905-531-5834

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada logo

Program funded provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

Youth of Tomorrow is a career exploration and mentorship program for youth (aged 15-29) in the regions of Hamilton, Halton, Brantford, and Haldimand/Norfolk. Youth of Tomorrow hosts events throughout the year in different regions including workshops and job fairs.

Youth of Tomorrow also provides professional mentorship opportunities that connect young people with experts from different occupational backgrounds to discuss career exploration, education and employment opportunities.

Learn More

Phone: 905-531-5834

Logo for the IRCC

Youth Fusion is a peer mentorship program for newcomer youth. Through recreation and leadership activities, newcomer youth learn new skills, connect with peers and improve their self-confidence. Youth may also be able to fulfill school volunteer requirements through program participation.

Phone: 519-752-4568 Ext. 3643


International Student Connect (ISC) supports international students and their families in developing a better understanding of the network of community and settlement support available. The program provides information about immigration options if choosing to settle in Ontario and helps students develop a post-graduation immigration and settlement plan.

Phone: 905-537-4268



The Newcomer Youth Employment Support program is here to help young people in Hamilton who are new to the country who are seeking employment opportunities. Whether you are looking for part-time or seasonal employment (seasonal or holiday) we can help you find what you're looking for. 

Phone: 905-531-5834

Or complete the contact form and a member of our team will be in touch!

Contact Form

Employment Services offers a variety of programs to provide employment and training services for vulnerable youth. Support includes interview preparation, resume and cover letter writing skills, job search and applications, job matching and placement opportunities. Programming also includes apprenticeship training for youth who are seeking certification and employment in a skilled trade.