John's Story

John Black

Meet John Black. He’s 60 years old and has been coming to the Y for the last 17 years. John lives with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and back in 2007 he weighed 440 lbs. Today, at 260 lbs., he’s about half that size, and he credits the YMCA—and the incredible staff—for saving his life.

“I know I harp on it, but the Y saved my life. If I had continued down the path I was on, I would’ve died years ago. It’s scary but I accepted that’s what would’ve happened. The Y gave me that push to believe in myself.”

John says his trainer Ben has been an amazing guide throughout his journey and he has felt nothing but support from the Y community. It’s a place that he says accommodates his needs, financially and physically, so that he can focus on what’s most important.

“The Y works with me to make it easier for me to do what I need to do to get better.”

The YMCA ignites the potential to save lives. We champion inclusivity and provide safe spaces where people just like John can find strength and feel like valued members of our communities.

#ShineOn #YSavesLives 

At the YMCA, we support people at every stage of life, helping them overcome any obstacle they may face. When you donate to the YMCA you spark the potential in every young person, adult and senior.

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