2023 Peace Medal Nominees

Adult Category (Age 26 and Up)

Cathedral High School – The Annex | Hamilton, Ontario
“The Annex helps to create peace, by providing students and their families with basic necessities in order to live a life with dignity. The Annex provides the basis for community cohesion and social justice.” ~ Nominator

The Cathedral Annex program was initiated in 2003 by dedicated Educational Assistants and Teachers at Cathedral High School. This program addresses the needs of students and families in a neighbourhood marked by income disparity and challenges. The Annex provides essential support, including food, clothing, school supplies, and household items, all offered free of charge. It operates with a focus on sustainability, with volunteer teachers and students organizing clothing drives and food collections. The program collaborates with the community, partnering with organizations and donors to meet the needs of those underserved. Its impact extends to improving graduation rates, fostering community cohesion, and aiding newcomers’ integration, all while striving to empower families to achieve self-sufficiency in the long run. The Cathedral Annex embodies the vision of making Hamilton “the best place to raise a child and age successfully.”

Hamilton Public Library | Hamilton, Ontario
“Library Staff, programs and services best reflect this welcoming, ‘open hearts, open doors’ policy – they build peace and directly improve lives.” ~ Nominator

Hamilton Public Library (HPL) was founded in 1889 and is a great contributor to peace and community cohesion. Throughout the pandemic and beyond, HPL’s 23 branches and two Bookmobiles have been unwavering in their support for Hamilton’s people. Their mission, “Freedom to Belong and Discover,” emphasizes social inclusion and collaboration. HPL’s initiatives span a range of activities, including the Newcomer Learning Centre, which aids adult newcomers with language training and community integration. They promote diversity and acceptance through programs like Drag Storytime and raise awareness through exhibits like the Red Dress exhibit to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Sustainability is a core principle, ensuring a lasting impact, while collaborations with universities, colleges, and community organizations strengthen their peace-building efforts.

Narine Dat Sookram | Brantford, Ontario
“The initiative of the nominee has a long-term effect in the sense that many people who benefited from the nominee’s initiatives have been paying it forward because they want to give something back to the community.” ~ Nominator

Narine Dat Sookram is a dedicated clinical social worker and advocate for social justice. Graduating from Mohawk College, he works full-time in Guelph and part-time in Brantford, offering mental health support. Sookram’s passion for social justice is evident in his advocacy for equality, particularly within the BIPOC community. He’s an avid volunteer who received multiple awards for uniting diverse populations for collective well-being. Despite pandemic challenges, he organized award-winning events in 2021 and 2022, fostering unity and celebrating diversity. Sookram’s impact is profound, breaking mental health stigmas, improving access to services, and inspiring lasting change through collaboration and community cohesion efforts.

Patricia Reid | Hamilton, Ontario
“Pat continues to inspire members from the community to join programs and become stewards of their neighbourhood.” ~ Nominator

Patricia (Pat) Reid has been a dedicated community leader in the McQuesten (East) community for over two decades. She initiated the McQuesten Community Planning Team, providing a platform for residents to voice concerns and collaborate with the city and nonprofits. Pat organized free events, BBQs, and the Bistro breakfast program, fostering connections and community well-being. In 2008, she co-founded the McQuesten Urban Farm, growing nutritious, affordable food and offering skill-based workshops, transforming the food-insecure community. Pat’s commitment to the farm has made it sustainable, producing over 25,000 lbs of food annually. Her peace-building initiatives extend to volunteering at food banks, leading youth programs, and creating community spaces. Pat’s work has a lasting impact, sustained by partnerships with the City of Hamilton, Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg, and more.

Youth Category - Age 25 and under

North Park Collegiate SARC Student Anti-Racism Coalition | Brantford, Ontario
“After two years in existence, a welcome shift has happened. Students are feeling empowered and are addressing what they would like the school to support.” ~ Nominator

The North Park Collegiate SARC (Student Anti-Racism Coalition) was established in November 2021. This student-led coalition, consisting of approximately 20 members from diverse backgrounds and grades, aims to promote diversity, inclusion, and combat racism within the school. They have organized events like fashion shows, international food days, anti-racism assemblies, educational campaigns, and food drives. Weekly meetings provide a safe space for students to discuss sensitive issues, fostering empowerment and awareness. SARC’s influence extends to other school groups, contributing to cross-cultural understanding. They have also built connections with the community, including local businesses and BIPOC community members, making a lasting impact on North Park Collegiate.

St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School’s Knights Fighting Cancer | Hamilton, Ontario
“(The STM Knights Fighting Cancer group) built a community of peace, comfort, and hope... And by doing so, the group promoted justice for those made vulnerable by cancer and promoted community cohesion.” ~ Nominator

The St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School’s ‘Knights Fighting Cancer’ group, established before 2006 have demonstrated a longstanding commitment to cancer awareness and support. They have raised awareness through cafeteria displays and fundraising activities, channelling proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society. Despite a brief hiatus, the group resumed its activities in September, engaging in initiatives like the Relay for Life Fundraiser. These efforts provide peace, hope, and strength to cancer-affected individuals, fostering a sense of community and support within the school. By raising awareness and funds, they contribute to vital cancer research, emphasizing unity and justice for those impacted by cancer.

International Category

Serena Bufalino | Hamilton, Ontario
“The severity and desperation of what Serena has witnessed first-hand after 10 years of frequent visits to Haiti isn’t lost on her — her commitment to improving the lives of Haitians has only grown stronger.” ~ Nominator

Serena Bufalino, an Honours Bachelor of Arts graduate from McMaster University, and secondary school teacher at Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, has made a significant international impact. Her journey began as a teacher working with at-risk youth in Toronto, where she witnessed first-hand the transformative power of education and support. Serena founded the Haiti School Building Project and Yoga for Haiti, expanding her efforts globally. She is the CEO of Help Heal Humanity (HHH), a volunteer-based charity that provides education, food, community, and love to vulnerable populations worldwide. HHH’s initiatives, including Project Nourish, have empowered communities, provided education, and delivered over 200,000 meals. Serena’s collaborative approach engages community partners and businesses, furthering the impact of her work. Despite challenges in Haiti, Serena’s commitment to improving lives remains unwavering.