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YMCA Employment Coach Shines Bright and Saves Lives

YMCA Stories
“When times were hard, and I couldn’t see the light, she gave me reason to believe.” Meet Sharon, an employment coach with the YMCA and an important figure in many people's search for employment. She is a beacon of support and guidance at YMCA Employment Services and has helped hundreds of people find a job.
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Marria's Story

Mariia's Story

YMCA Stories
Meet Mariia. She is a Ukranian National and in June 2023—as the war with Russia continued—she made the difficult decision to leave her home country, come to Canada, and start a new life. 
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Honza's Story

YMCA Stories
Meet Honza. He’s a lifeguard with the YMCA working with our local day camps and in our swimming pools.  Last week, many of our swimmers graduated from their levels and programs. It was a week full of confidence and seeing how our staff ignite potential in our community. 
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