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2023 Impact Report

Igniting Potential 2023 Community Impact Report

Corporate Communication
In 2023, we took the first steps in our new strategic plan, and it’s been incredible to see the seeds we've planted start to grow. Themes of the past year include youth empowerment, community health and wellness, inclusivity, and accessibility.  
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Edgar Hernandez

Edgar's Story

YMCA Stories
Meet Edgar Hernandez, the 35-year-old Program Manager and leader behind the YMCA Newcomer Youth Centres. Over the last 18 years, the YMCA has been there to ignite Edgar's potential, and he has shown resilience, dedication, and adaptability in his effort to help newcomer youth in our community.
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Abdullah’s Story

Abdullah’s Story

YMCA Stories
Meet Abdullah. He grew up in Kenya, but in December 2023 he came to Canada with two of his children. He says the decision to come wasn’t easy, but it was necessary as it was no longer safe for his son to be himself. 
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