YMCA Hamilton|Burlington|Brantford announces launch of new attendance tracking feature for Weemarkable® child care app

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On November 16th, 2023, the Ontario government announced their intention to “further protect the safety of children by requiring all licensed child care operators to implement a Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy by January 1, 2024.” (Government of Ontario, 2023) Child care operators across the province are now required to align all attendance reporting and notification protocols with those that already exist within Ontario’s publicly funded schools.  

In direct response to this, the YMCA Hamilton|Burlington|Brantford is proud to announce the release of a new online attendance reporting platform, built for the YMCA's Weemarkable® child care communication app.   

The new Weemarkable® attendance feature was launched across all Hamilton Burlington and Brantford full day child care centres on December 4th and allows YMCA families to report a child’s attendance status directly through the Weemarkable® app. In addition to caregiver reporting, this enhancement allows child care educators and supervisors to track all attendance digitally, with detailed timestamps and health checks. The new feature also allows caregivers to view any attendance status updates in real-time through their app.  

The new Weemarkable® attendance feature now enables YMCA child care centres to maintain detailed digital record keeping of all of our children, alleviating the need to maintain paper records while maintaining a database that is detailed, searchable and secure.  

YMCA of Hamilton|Burlington|Brantford is proud to be at the forefront of developing technology that supports the evolving needs of our child care centres and enhances security and well-being for our families.  

To learn about our Weemarkable® child care app, please visit Weemarkable.ca 

To learn more about using our new attendance feature, please visit: ymcahbb.ca/weemarkable-attendance

