Angela's Story

Meet Angela.
In May of 2023, Angela was let go from a position she had held for 15 years. The family company she worked for had been sold, and eventually the new company decided her position was no longer needed. That meant at 39-years-old and with two kids at home, she had to find a new job, and quickly.
“I was always a very confident person and a very diligent employee. Getting told ‘today is your last day’ without any kind of warning—I was just really blown away and it really shook me hard.”
That’s when the YMCA Employment Services sign at the Ron Edwards Family YMCA popped into her mind, and she knew where she was going next.
“I talked to the woman at the desk, and they set me up with an employment coach in less than a week.”
With the help of her YMCA Employment Coach, Angela learned what employers were looking for so she could update her resume and better prepare for interviews. After being out of the job hunt for so long she also learned what strategies work best in the modern job search.
“I needed some assistance with interviews...I get nervous and I kind of go on a rant when I'm excited. So, I need to be able to stay focused and we worked on that.”
A few months later in July, she landed a job, and while capable, she wasn’t happy with the work. After five or six months, Angela was let go, and this time she felt the pull to pursue something different with her life.
With the support and encouragement of her coach, Angela went to the Power of Possible Employment workshops—a five-day program, run by Employment Ontario that aims to help job seekers achieve their long-term goals. Here, Angela was able to recognize her passion for helping others and built the knowledge and confidence she needed to explore a new career path.
“Our instructor was wonderful; the Power of Possible workshop was a great success for all who participated,” said Angela
“We had people from all walks of life looking for employment. The collaboration of topics really got you out of [your] comfort zone and looking inward on your experiences, sharing with others and learning together what you could do better.”
Angela decided to pursue a career as a Personal Support Worker (PSW). She says the workshops were instrumental in giving her the courage and direction she needed to make a meaningful career change. It also gave her a sense of community and camaraderie to spend time with other people in similar situations. She says members of the workshop have stayed connected because they’ve been able to support each other’s goals.
“I would recommend this workshop for anyone who is seeking employment and having a challenging time meeting that goal.”
With the ongoing support of her YMCA Employment Coach, Angela continued to develop her abilities as a care worker. She completed Conestoga College’s micro credential Long Term Care Home Assistant program, earned four certifications from Alzheimer’s Society workshops and has also been certified in the Gentle Persuasion Approach (GPA®) for managing dementia-related behaviours.
Now it was time for Angela to take the leap and go back to school.
She got in touch with the YMCA Learning Connections program that offers instruction to adults who are preparing for post-secondary education, apprenticeship, or employment goal paths.
With the help of program staff, Angela applied for and received OSAP funding and a bursary award. This allowed her to begin classes at Mohawk College in the PSW Program.
“[Y Staff] helped me with my letter for bursaries and scholarships. I ended up getting a scholarship through the Ontario Auto Recyclers Association, for $5000.”
While studying and taking care of her family, Angela is also working part-time as a health care aide, and she volunteers with Acclaim Health’s Friendly Visitor Program when she has some extra time to give.
With a 92% average and one semester left to go, Angela is looking forward to graduating in December. She plans to reconnect with the team at YMCA Employment Services for guidance to help her land a job she loves with her newly earned qualifications.
“The staff at the YMCA are so friendly, encouraging and knowledgeable. I am grateful for the support and understanding I have experienced,” she says.
Angela says she’s had such a positive experience that she even got a YMCA membership for her and her sons so that “they can swim and take part in the activities that the YMCA has to offer.”
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